The Shame Carried by Receptive Bilinguals We Don’t Talk about

Why do so many second-generation immigrants reject their heritage?

Nikola Grace Radley
6 min readMay 16, 2020

Are you a receptive bilingual? Do you carry receptive bilingual shame? I’m a receptive bilingual, and I didn’t realise that there was even a name for what I was until I looked it up last year.

What is a receptive bilingual?

A receptive bilingual is someone who has native-fluency in one language and can understand but not speak a second language. The second language is often the language of one or both of their parents. Many second-generation immigrant populations in native English speaking countries have receptive bilinguals, where they understand their mother tongue, but respond in English.

There is little information based on the numbers of people who are receptive bilingual. Often, these people will say they are monolingual when asked as they are not confident enough in their language ability to cite bilingualism. Still, they are on a spectrum of bilingualism.

My mother’s tongue is Polish, and I grew up in the UK. My mother came to England in the late eighties when there were far fewer Polish people in the UK. The Polish population has grown rapidly. It is now the second most spoken language in the UK with…



Nikola Grace Radley

Freelance writer. You can find me reading under a palm tree in Rio de Janeiro. E-mail: